How to Make the Most of your Facebook Adverts

Facebook adverts are a potent tool that can lead to the opening of many revenue streams. But the way Facebook keep changing the method need for a successful ad means marketers are learning by creating a few bad ones first.

If you plan on running your Facebook adverts yourself, you need to make sure your business is not falling victim to these mistakes.

So here are a few tips to making the most out of your Facebook adverts.

Target Your Current Followers

When you target your Facebook adverts to your current followers, you generally get around 700% more click-throughs and up to 400% in conversions. These are the people that are genuinely interested in your business, products and services. So, you gain a much better engagement rate compared to targeting new followers.

Yes, it would help if you built an audience first, but then targeting these followers is the way to go.

When you think about it, the process makes complete sense. The more relevant an ad is to you, the more likely you will notice it.

Small and Specific Ads Perform Well

 On Facebook, smaller and more specific adverts perform the best.

You have a split second to get someone’s attention with a Facebook advert. If it isn’t clear that the ad is relevant to the user, their attention turns elsewhere. Therefore, being specific is extremely important, especially to different targets. The way to do this when you have multiple audiences. Create several smaller versions of your advert, all targeted at a different specific audience.

Test your Images First

Images are the first thing a Facebook user sees. Make the assumption you know what image will get the most clicks, and you set yourself up to fail. Always test your Facebook adverts first, whether with a few friends or a trial run on Facebook itself, especially when using images.

Even consider doing your research and see what has been successful for other companies first. This will save you money in the long run instead of just jumping from costly campaign to campaign with no conversions to show for it.

Our View on Facebook Adverts

Facebook adverts can be the making of your business if you avoid common mistakes. They are even possible for you to create yourself without having to get someone to publish them. But this may take a lot of time and practice.

But, if you don’t have the time, don’t be afraid to get someone like Jobsi to run your campaigns for you. This means you won’t have to learn the hard way by an advert showing no conversions, and you will see success from the second the advert goes out.

If you need help with your Facebook adverts or any aspect of your social media marketing, contact us today.

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